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price index 物價指數。

price level

The comparison of arima model and arch model application in hongkong stock price index prediction 模型在香港股指預測方面的應用比較

Sales price index 銷售價格指數

Tender price index 投標價格指數

Tourist price index 游客價格指數

Consumer price index 消費價格指數

Commodity price index 商品價格指數

The application of neutral network technology in forecasting the stock price index 基于神經網絡技術的股指預測模型及實證分析

Property price indices 樓宇價格指數

Setup of the grain futures price index and study on the pre - alerting system 糧食期貨價格指數的編制與糧食安全預警系統的研究

Impact of the government s special relief measures on the consumer prices indices 政府的特別紓困措施對消費物價指數的影響

In fact , the core consumer - price index has drifted between zero and 0 . 1 % 事實上此時的消費物價指數在0到0 . 1 %之間徘徊。

7 . annual rates of change in the consumer price indices in the last three years 3 .過去三年,留用進口貨物實質增長率:

Consumer price index series 消費物價指數系列

Composite import price index 綜合進口物價指數

Overall consumer price index 總體消費物價指數

General retail price index 社會零售物價總指數

General consumer price index 一般消費物價指數

Domestic property price index 住宅物業價格指數

Composite consumer price index 綜合消費物價指數